Fixation of pay on promotion on or after 1st October, 2017
Order No-No. F. 1 (4)FD(Rules)/2017-1 Dated-30-10-2017
Amendment of Rule 26A.- The existing Rule 26A shall be substituted by the following, namely:-
26A. Fixation of pay on promotion on or after 1st October, 2017.—The fixation of pay in case of promotion from one Level to another in the revised pay structure shall be made in the following manner, namely; –
(1) One increment shall be given in the Level from which the employee is promoted and he shall be placed at a Cell equal to the figure so arrived at in the Level of the post to which promoted and if no such Cell is available in the Level to which promoted, he shall be placed at the next higher Cell in that Level.
(2)Fixation of pay of Government servant on promotion in the current year of DPC-
(i) Where DPC of current year is convened and Government servant is promoted on the higher post, the pay fixation may be made on notional basis on the higher post from 1st April of the DPC year in respect of post carried forward from the previous year or from the date of vacancy against which the selection is made, as the case may be. The entitlement of actual benefit will be payable from the date charge taken over on the promotion post by the serving employee.
(ii) Where DPC of current year is convened but before issuance
of the promotion order the promoted employee retires, in that case his notional fixation of pay may be made from 1st April of the DPC year in respect of post carried forward from the previous year or from the date of vacancy against which the selection is made or if it is not possible to identify the actual date of vacancy of the post, on the date of retirement of Government servant, as the case may be.
(iii) If DPC is held in the current year and promotion order is issued in the next year, fixation of pay on promoted post shall be made on notional basis from 1st April of the DPC year in respect of post carried forward from the previous year or from the date of vacancy against which the selection is made or if it is not possible to identify the actual date of vacancy of the post, the notional fixation of pay shall be made on 31st March of the DPC year, as the case may be and actual payment be made from the date charge taken over o f the promotion post.
(3) If promotion is made on the date of annual increment in that case first annual increment shall be allowed on the lower post and thereafter fixation of pay on promotion on higher post shall be made.
(4) If a Government servant is promoted on higher post after grant of ACP in the same Level, no further fixation of pay shall be made on the higher post.
(5)The next date of increment after fixation of pay on promotion shall be 1st July of the year.