No. F.12(8)FD(Rules)/2008 Jaipur, dated : 9 MAY 2013
Subject: Additional Relief on death disability of Government Servants covered by the new Defined Contribution Pension System (NPS)
The pension of the Government servants appointed on or after 01 01 2004 is regulated by the Rajasthan Civil Services (Contributory Pension) Rules 2005 issued vide Finance Department Notification No. F 13(1) FD/Rules/2003 dated 02 08.2005 as amended from time to time.
2- On promulgation of aforesaid rules the Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1996 were also amended w.e.f. 01.01.2004. Under the amended rules the benefit of Invalid Pension / Disability Pension and Family Pension / Extraordinary Pension / Special Pensionary Awards are not available to the Government servant appointed on or after 01.01.2004.
3 GOI has subsequently clarified that the new pension scheme is a replacement for only pension under normal circumstances and family pension in case of death of employees after retirement.
4 A High-Level Task Force (HLTF) constituted by the Government of India has recommended certain additional benefits that can be provided on death or discharge on invalidation/ disability of a Government servant covered by the New Pension Scheme. It is likely to take some time before the rules regulating these benefits under the New Pension System are put in place.
5- Meanwhile, considering the hardships being faced by the employees appointed on or after 01.01.2004 who are discharged on invalidation / disablement and by the families of such employees who have died during service since 01 01 2004 the Governor is pleased to extend the following benefits to the State Government servants covered by the New Pension Scheme on provisional basis till further orders –
(1) Retirement from Government service on invalidation not attributable to Government duty.–
(1)Invalid Pension calculated in terms of Rules 35 and Rule 54 of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1996.
(2)Retirement gratuity computed in terms of Rule 55 of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1996.
(II) Death in service not attributable to Government duty.
(I) Family Pension (including enhanced family pension) computed in terms of Rule 60 to 74 of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules. 1996
(II) Death gratuity computed in terms of Rule 55 of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1996.
(III) Discharge from Government service due to disease/injury attributable to Government duty –
(i) Disability pension computed in terms of provisions of Chapter VIII – Extra Ordinary Pension of Rajasthan Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1996
(ii) Retirement gratuity computed in terms of Rule 55 of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1996.
(IV) Death in service attributable to Government duty:
(i) Extraordinary Family Pension under Chapter VIll and Special pensionary awards under Chapter VII of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules 1996
(ii) Death gratuity computed in terms of Rule 55 of the Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1996.
6- The employees / his family will also be paid Dearness Pension / Dearness Relief admissible from time to time in addition to the above benefits on provisional basis if admissible as per provisions of Rule 77 of RCS (Pension) Rules. 1996
7- The above provisional payments will be adjusted against the final payments to be made in accordance with the rules to be issued as per the pattern of GOI and recoveries, if any, will be made from the future payments to be made on the basis of those rules
8- The payment of various benefits on death/discharge of a Government employee is envisage after adjustment of the monthly annuities pension from the accumulated funds in the NPS Account of the employee. Therefore, no payment of monthly-annuitized pension will be made to the employee/family of the employee during the period he/she is in receipt of the provisional benefits
9. In cases where on discharge/death of the employee, the amount of accumulated funds in the NPS Account have been paid to the employee/family of the employee, the amount of monthly-annuitized pension from the date of discharge/death will be worked out and the same will be adjusted against the payment of benefits/relief payable under this order.
10 The families of Government servants who expired / expires during the period of probation while drawing fixed remuneration in that case the Contribution towards New Contributory Pension Scheme at the rate of 10% of the fixed remuneration shall be deducted from the amount of DCRG by the Director. Pension and Pensioner Welfare Department and the amount so deducted shall be sent to the Director. State Insurance and PF for crediting in PPAN with PRAN (by Opining New Account) and Family Pension shall be allowed to the family of deceased Government Servants.
11- These instructions will be applicable to those Government servants who Joined Government service on or after 01.01.2004 and will take effect from the same date i.e. 01.01.2004.
12 Procedure of sanctioning provisional pension / family pension shall be as under –
(1) The Head of Office will prepare the pension papers in the format of the provisional pension family pension as per the provision of this memorandum and will submit the same along with all the relevant documents and requisite number of photographs, the particular of the bank account of the pensioner (viz name of bank name of branch, full postal address of branch with PIN, 7 digit BSR code, IFSC code etc) to the Director Pension and Pension Welfare Department, Rajasthan, Jaipur through the Director. State Insurance and General Provided Fund Rajasthan Jaipur. The Head of Office will be responsible for the correctness of the bank details of the pensioner. The permanent pension account number (PPAN) with the permanent retirement account number (PRAN) of the concerned Government Servant allotted by the Office of State Insurance and Provident Fund Department will also be indicated
(2) The Head of Office will also obtain and forward to the Director, State insurance and Provident Fund Department along with the pension papers a copy of undertaking from the pensioner / family pensioner to the effect that he has understood the provision of para 7, 8. 9 and 10 of this memorandum and that any payment found to be in excess of his/her entitlement will be refunded to Government / adjusted out of his / her final entitlement.
(3) The Director. State Insurance and Provident Fund Department shall forward the pension case to the Director, Pension and Pension Welfare Department indicating the following information –
1- Verification of PPAN and PRAN.
2- The amount of accumulated fund in the NPS Account of the employee as envisage in para 8 of this Memorandum.
3- The amount of pension contribution in NPS Account of the employee already paid to be adjusted against the payment of benefit / relief payable as per para 9 of this Memorandum.
4- In the case of death of a Government servant during probation period New PPAN with PRAN shall be allotted on receipt of case for grant of family pension as per para 10 of the Memorandum.
5- An affidavit given by the pensioner / family pensioner shall be kept in record.
(4) Pension and Pensioner Welfare Department after scrutinizing the pension papers will finalize the pensionary entitlement as admissible under this Memorandum / relevant rules / orders and issue authorities for pension/ family pension / gratuity to the Treasury Officer for payment and shall also sent one copy to the Director, State Insurance and PF Department for updating his record. Separate pension payment order number shall be allotted to these provisional pensioners / family pensioners.
(5) Pension and Pensioner Welfare Department shall record the entitlements admitted in the Service Book of the Government Servant under his signature.
(6) Director Pension and Pensioner Welfare Department and Director. State Insurance and PF Department will maintain an index register and a separate data base in respect of all pensioners / family pensioners to whom provisional payments are made.
(7) Pensioner may open joint account with spouse only (to whom family pension is payable in the event of death of pensioner)
(8) The pension account holding bank will have to obtain an undertaking from the pensioner / family pensioner that the excess payment if any. Credited to his / her account, can be recovered by the bank.
(9) The Director. Pension and Pensioner Welfare Department and State Insurance Department shall be responsible for all recoveries They shall work out the final payments / recoveries as and when orders to this effect are issued by the Government.
(10) In case of death of pensioner / family pensioner, the same may be intimated the pension south holding branch of the bank by the family members of the deceased immediately and bank will inform the same to the Director. Pension and Pensioner Welfare Department and State Insurance and Provident Fund Department.
(11) Except indicated above the rest part of procedure for authorisation of pension and payment of pension / family pension shall be as contained in Rajasthan Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1996.
By order of the Governor,
Secretary to the Government
Finance (Budget)