“Daily Allowance for the entire absence from headquarter, starting with departure from headquarters and ending with arrival at headquarters, bill be regulated as under-

Full daily allowance may be granted for each completed calendar day of absence reckoned from midnight to midnight. For absence from headquarters for less than twenty four hours, the daily allowance will be admissible at the following rates-

For absence not exceeding six hoursNil
For absence exceeding six hours but not exceeding twelve hours70%
for absence exceeding twelve hoursFull

In case the period of absence from headquarts falls on two days, it is reckoned as two days and daily allowance is calculated for each as above. The concept of twenty four hours is no longer operative. Similarly daily allowance for days of departure from the arrival at headquarts, will also be requlated accordingly.

Where the second tour commences on the same day on which a Government servant return from the first tour, each tour may be treated separately and daily allowance may also be calculated separately subject, of course, to the condition that daily allowance calculated separaty for each tour on any calendar day shall not exceed one daily allowance.” Finance department order No-F6(3FD)/Rules/2012 Pt. dated-19.01.2018.

Daily Allowance Calculator

दिये गये केलकूलेटर से यात्रा पर दैय देनिक भत्ता की गणना की जा सकती है। दिये गये बाॅक्स में अपना मूल वेतन भरें। पीरियड आॅफ जर्नी (Period of Journey) में प्रथम दिन यात्रा पर बिताए गये समय घण्टों में भरें (Hours spent on journey/tour) , दूसरे बाॅक्स में कुल पूर्ण दिनों की संख्या (Full days in between first and last day.) भरनी है अतः अन्तिम बाॅक्स में अन्तिम दिन यात्रा पर बिताए गये घण्टों की संख्या (Hours spent on journey/tour on last day.) भरनी है। घण्टों की संख्या की गणना मध्य रात्री से मध्यरात्री के हिसाब से की जायेगी जैसा की उपर नियमों में बताया गया है।

Basic Pay of Employee
Period of Journey

Calculation of Daily Allowance for All state Capitals

Catagory of Employee:

Rate of Daily Allowance:

Total Daily Allowance:

Rate of Daily Allowance for Boarding and Lodging:

Calculation of Daily Allowance for All other places

Catagory of Employee:

Rate of Daily Allowance:

Total Daily Allowance:

Rate of Daily Allowance for Boarding and Lodging:

सडक यात्रा भत्ता ड्यूटी स्थान से बस स्टेण्ड जाने हेतु तथा बस स्टेण्ड से ड्यूटी स्थान तक लौटने हेतु- जयपुर 150/- जोधपुर, उदयपुर, कोटा, बीकानेर व अजमेर 100/- अन्य स्थान 60/- की दर से दोनों तरफ के लिये देय है।