Pension Rules for Rajasthan Government Employees

Meaning of Pension- Pension is a recurring monthly payment on retirement to a Government Servant.

Elements of Pension

The three main elements, which go into computation of pension are :-

(a) The length of qualifying service of a Government Servant.

(b) Reckonable emoluments for pension and

(c) The scale and formula of pension applicable on the date of retirement.

Qualifying Service

The amount of pension is based on the length of ‘qualifying service’ of a retiring Government  Servant.  Out  of the total  service  of a Government  Servant,  the following periods do not qualify for pension-

(i) Boy Service (Service rendered before attaining the age of 18 years.)

(ii) Extraordinary leave without medical certificate.

(iii) Overstay,   Periods  of  suspension  and  other  interruptions  declared  as  non-qualifying.

(iv) Service as apprentice.

Commencement of qualifying service :-

Qualifying service commences from the date of initial appointment on a post and time scale in State Government department, followed without interruption in the same or any other service or post under the Government. It should be paid from the consolidated fund of the State. The period of deputation to any other organization under the orders/approval of the State Government is treated as qualifying for pension. The amount of pension  contribution  @ 12% of the maximum  of the scale of the post, is however payable by the Borrowing organization through Directorate of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare to the Government of Rajasthan.

Calculation of fraction of qualifying service: –

Qualifying service is expressed in terms of half yearly periods. Fraction should be reckoned as follows :-

Less than three months NIL
Three months and above But less than 9 months  One half  
9 Months and above but less than 12 Months Two half

For example if a Government Servant has rendered 31 Years, 10 months and 27 days  service,  the qualifying  service  will  be reckoned  as 32  years  i.e.64  half  yearly periods.

If a Government Servant renders qualifying service for more then 33 years, it will be limited to 33 years i.e. 66 half yearly periods, for purposes of calculation of gratuity and 28  years  i.e.56    half  yearly for  calculation  of pension  (refer  Order No.  F.12  (3) FD/Rules/2008/II Dated 06.04.2013).

Reckonable emoluments for pension

Emoluments for the purpose of pension include basic pay, personal pay dearness pay etc. as  defined  in Rule 7 (24) of RSR,  and 10 months  average  of Special  Pay / N.P.A./N.C.A. and rural allowance drawn

 Classification of Pension

Pension may be categorized into four broad classes viz. Superannuation pension, Retiring Pension, Invalid Pension and Compensation  Pension. Apart from these four classes of pension, Compulsory retirement ,voluntary retirement etc.

 Superannuation Pension:-

It is granted when a Government Servant retires from service on attaining the age of superannuation under Rule 56(A) of R.S.R. and Rule 30 of R.C.S. (Pension) Rules, 1996 . The superannuation age is 60 years.

 Retiring Pension:-

It is granted when a Government Servant seeks voluntary retirement from service as per Rule 50(1) of R.C.S.(Pension) Rules, 1996 or is compulsorily retired from service  before  attaining  the age of superannuation   in terms  of Rule  52,53 of R.C.S.(Pension) Rules, 1996.

Invalid Pension:-

It is granted on being declared  permanently  incapacitates  for the public service due to bodily or mental infirmity by the Competent Medical Authority in terms of Rule 35 of R.C.S.(Pension) Rules, 1996.

Compensation Pension:-

It is  granted on discharge from service owing to the abolition of permanent post in terms of Rule 38 of R.C.S. (Pension) Rules, 1996.

Compulsory  Retirement Pension :-

It is granted under Rule 42  of R.C.S.(Pension) Rules, 1996 Government Servant is retired compulsorily as a measure of penalty. It is granted at a rate not less then two third but not more than full invalid pension under Rule 38 of R.C.S. (Pension)Rules. 1996. The benefit of minimum pension is however not admissible to this class of pensioners.

 Compassionate allowance:-

If a Government  Servant  is dismissed  or removed  from service,  he/she  is not entitled  to any pensionary  benefits.  In such cases, the authority who had dismissed  or removed   the  Government   Servant   may  sanction   a  compassionate   allowance   not exceeding 2/3 rd of pension which would have been admissible  to him/her, had he/she retired on medical  certificate.  The benefits  of minimum pension  is admissible  to such pensioners.

Calculation of Pension

Full Pension-It is  admissible  to  an  employee  who  retires  after  completing  28  years from 1.7.2013, years of qualifying service. The amount of   pension is determined at 50% of emoluments, subject to a minimum of Rs. 1913/- w.e.f. 1.7.2004.

Proportionate Pension-If the length of qualifying  service is less than 28 years from 1.7.2013 years, but is 10  years  or more, the  amount  of  pension  admissible  would  be  proportionate   to qualifying   service  of  28    years.  F r o m  1 . 7 . 2 0 1 3 . For  example    if  a  Government Servant  drawing  Rs.8000/-   p.m  as.  emoluments retires  after  completing  25 years(50 half yearly) of qualifying service, his pension would be calculated as under:-

(8000X50)/(2 X 56)  = 3571.42  or    say Rs. 3572/-

The  method  of  determination   of  pension  for  various  classes  of  pension  i.e.  (1) Superannuation (2) Invalid, (3) Retiring (4) Compensation, is the same.

Note 1 :- Fraction of rupees is reckoned to Re.1.

Note 2:- The minimum pension payable is Rs.3450/- w.e.f. 1.7.2013 except otherwise provided in the rules.

Family Pension

To whom payable:-Family pension  is payable  to the widow/widower   of the deceased  government servant till  death  or remarriage,   which  ever  is earlier.  In absence  thereof  to eligible eldest son of  the  deceased   Government  Servant  till he/she attains the age of 25 years or employed or married whichever is earlier or Family Pension is payable to un-married/divorced/widow daughter till death or till she marriage/re- marriage or have an income more than Rs/ 6000/- pm per month whichever is earlier.

Amount of Family Pension payable:

(1)  In case of death while in service.

(a) Ordinary Rate-30% of Emoluments.

(b)  Enhanced Rate-If continuous service for seven years or more 50% of Emoluments or double of the family pension which ever is less.

Payable for seven years after death or up to age of 65 years of employee whichever is earlier.

(2)  In case of death after retirement.

(a) Ordinary Rate 30% of Emoluments.

(b) Enhanced Rate-Pension or double of the family pension, whichever is less.

Payable for seven years from date of retirement  or up to the age of 65 years of the employee, whichever is earlier.


(1) Family pension is payable to widow/widower till his/her remarriage.

(2) Family pension  is payable  to eldest son till he attains the age of 25 years or marriage or earns 6000/- per month or above.

(3) Family pension is payable to minor sons/daughter through surviving parents in other  cases through legal guardian only.

(4) In Case of Ex- military person a option may be taken from him whether he is willing to take family pension from State Govt. or not ? Thereafter the family pension will be sanction to him only from one source.

(5) Family Pension is payable to un-married/divorce/widow daughter till death or till she marriag/re-marraig or have an income more.

(6) Family Pension is payable to son or daughter of any age suffering from any disorder or disability of mind or is physically crippled or blind   or deaf and dumb so as to render him or her unable to earn & living until he /she marriages/re-marriages or earn more than Rs. 6000/- per month.

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