Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys

Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys to work fast on Microsoft Word. You can work fastly with Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys. Some of Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys are given here-

Microsoft Word Shortcut Keys-

Command  Keys
Bold Ctrl+B
Cancel ESC
Center Para Ctrl+E
Change Case Shift+F3
Clear Del
Close or Exit Alt+F4
Copy Ctrl+C
Create Auto Text Alt+F3
Cut Ctrl+X
Double Underline Ctrl+Shift+D
Find Ctrl+F
Help F1
Hyperlink Ctrl+K
Indent Ctrl+M
Italic Ctrl+I
Justify Para Ctrl+J
Merge Field Alt+Shift+F
New Document Ctrl+N
Open Ctrl+O
Outline Alt+Ctrl+O
Overtype Insert
Page Alt+Ctrl+P
Page Break Ctrl+Return
Paste Ctrl+V
Paste Format Ctrl+Shift+V
Print Ctrl+P
Print Preview Ctrl+F2
Redo Alt+Shift+Backspace
Redo or Repeat Ctrl+Y
Save Ctrl+S
Select All Ctrl+A
Small Caps Ctrl+Shift+K
Style Ctrl+Shift+S
Subscript Ctrl+=
Superscript Ctrl+Shift+=
Task Pane Ctrl+F1
Time Field Alt+Shift+T
Underline Ctrl+U
Undo Ctrl+Z
Update Fields F9
Word Count List Ctrl+Shift+G
All Caps Ctrl+Shift+A
Apply List Bullet Ctrl+Shift+L
Auto Format Alt+Ctrl+K
Auto Text F3


 Function Keys
F1 Get Help or visit Microsoft Office Online.
F2 Move text or graphics.
F3 Insert an Auto Text (Auto Text: A storage location for text or graphics you want to use again, such as a standard contract clause or a long distribution list. Each selection of text or graphics is recorded as an Auto Text entry and is assigned a unique name.) entry (after Microsoft Word displays the entry).
F4 Repeat the last action.
F5 Choose the Go To command (Edit menu).
F6 Go to the next pane or frame.
F7 Choose the Spelling command (Tools menu).
F8 Extend a selection.
F9 Update selected fields.
F10 Activate the menu bar.
F11 Go to the next field.
F12 Choose the Save As command (File menu).
   SHIFT+Function key
SHIFT+F1 Start context-sensitive Help or reveal formatting.
SHIFT+F2 Copy text.
SHIFT+F3 Change the case of letters.
SHIFT+F4 Repeat a Find or Go To action.
SHIFT+F5 Move to the last change.
SHIFT+F6 Go to the previous pane or frame.
SHIFT+F7 Choose the Thesaurus command (Tools menu, Language sub menu).
SHIFT+F8 Shrink a selection.
SHIFT+F9 Switch between a field code and its result.
SHIFT+F10 Display a shortcut menu.
SHIFT+F11 Go to the previous field.
SHIFT+F12 Choose the Save command (File menu).
   CTRL+Function Key
CTRL+F2 Choose the Print Preview command (File menu).
CTRL+F3 Cut to the Spike  (Spike: A special Auto Text entry that stores multiple deletions. Microsoft Word appends one item to another until you paste the contents as a group in a new location in your document. You can also use the Microsoft Office Clipboard to get the same result.)
CTRL+F4 Close the window.
CTRL+F5 Restore the document window size


(for example,  after maximizing it).

CTRL+F6 Go to the next window.
CTRL+F7 Choose the Move command (title bar shortcut menu).
CTRL+F8 Choose the Size command (title bar shortcut menu).
CTRL+F9 Insert an empty field.
CTRL+F10 Maximize the document window.
CTRL+F11 Lock a field.
CTRL+F12 Choose the Open command (File menu).
   CTRL+SHIFT+Function Key
CTRL+SHIFT+F3 Insert the contents of the Spike  (Spike: A special AutoTextentry that stores multiple deletions. Microsoft Word appends one item to another until you paste the contents as a group in a new location in your document. You can also use the Microsoft Office Clipboard to get the same result.)
CTRL+SHIFT+F5 Edit a bookmark.
CTRL+SHIFT+F6 Go to the previous window.
CTRL+SHIFT+F7 Update linked information in a  Word source document.
CTRL+SHIFT+F8 Extend a selection or block (then press an arrow key).
CTRL+SHIFT+F9 Unlink a field.
CTRL+SHIFT+F11 Unlock a field.
CTRL+SHIFT+F12 Choose the Print command (File menu).
   ALT+Function Key
ALT+F1 Go to the next field.
ALT+F3 Create an Auto Text (Auto Text: A storage location for text or graphics you want to use again, such as a standard contract clause or a long distribution list. Each selection of text or graphics is recorded as an Auto Text entry and is assigned a unique name.) entry.
ALT+F4 Quit Microsoft Word.
ALT+F5 Restore the program window size.
ALT+F6 Move from an open dialog box back to the document for dialog boxes such as Find and Replace that support this behavior.
ALT+F7 Find the next misspelling or grammatical error. The Check spelling as you type check box must be selected (Tools menu, Options dialog box, Spelling & Grammar tab).
ALT+F8 Run a macro.
ALT+F9 Switch between all field codes and their results.
ALT+F10 Maximize the program window.
ALT+F11 Display Microsoft Visual Basic code.
   ALT+SHIFT+Function Key
ALT+SHIFT+F1 Go to the previous field.
ALT+SHIFT+F2 Choose the Save command (File menu).
ALT+SHIFT+F9 Run GO TO BUTTON or MACRO BUTTON from the field that displays the field results.
ALT+SHIFT+F10 Display the menu or message for a smart tag. If more than one smart tag is present, switch to the next smart tag and display its menu or message.
ALT+SHIFT+F11 Start the Microsoft Script Editor
   CTRL+ALT+Function Key
CTRL+ALT+F1 Display Microsoft System Information.
CTRL+ALT+F2 Open command (File menu).