अब तीसरी संतान की स्थिति में केवल एक एसीपी ही प्रभावित होगा। पहले सभी एसीपी आगे सरकते थे। पहला 9+3=12 वर्ष दूसरा 18+3=21 और तीसरा 27+3=30 वर्ष में मिलता था। इस नोटिफिकेशन के बाद तीसरी संतान होने पर पहला एसीपी मिलना है तो वो 9+3=12 वर्ष पर मिलेगा। दूसरा 18 और तीसरा 27 वर्ष पर ही मिलेगा। 9 वर्षीय पहला एसीपी मिला हुआ है और फिर तीसरी संतान की स्थिति बनती है तो दूसरा एसीपी 18+3=21 वर्ष पर मिलेगा और तीसरा एसीपी 27 वर्ष पर ही मिलेगा। 

GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN FINANCE DEPARTMENT (RULES DIVISION) No. F. 14(88)FD/Rules/2008               Pt. Jaipur, dated: 18 DEC 2020


In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the Governor of Rajasthan is pleased to make the following rules further to amend the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017, namely:

1. Short title and commencement. – (1) These rules may be called the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 2020.

(2) They shall come into force with immediate effect.

2. Amendment of Schedule-VI.- Existing clause at S.No.6(iii) excluding provisos thereunder of Schedule-VI appended to the Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2017 shall be substituted, by the following, namely,..

“The appointing authority shall also obtain an affidavit from the employee with reference to having only two children on or after 01.06.2002 prior to granting ACP. An employee who has more than two children on or after 01.06.2002 shall not be granted ACP/next ACP for three years from the date on which his/her ACP becomes due and it would have no consequential effect on the next/subsequent grant of ACP. The employee having more than two children shall not be deemed to have been disqualified, so long as the number of children he/she has on 01.06.2002 does not increase.”

By order and in the name of the Governor,
Joint Secretary to the Government